Leeza Donatella has been working with energy since her early twenties. Leeza has studied Bio-Energy, Japanese Reiki, Chakra Balancing and Harmonizing, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT- Tapping) and Shamanic practices in South America. Leeza is a certified coach, Certified EFT Practitioner and Reiki Master.
She has spent decades working alongside fellow masters and teachers to formulate her spiritual theories and practices. Today Leeza speaks to US and International audiences about what inspires and motivates us, causes us stress and about using energy to our best advantage to balance, release and heal by getting to and maintaining the state she calls “Being Love.”
“I continue to live a pretty amazing life, filled with extraordinary experiences and synchronicity. I have trekked through the Amazon, climbed atop Machu Picchu in the Andes and been invited to join Shamans in Ayahuasca Ceremonies since the 1990’s. I’ve meditated in the middle of South America while helping organizations in Brazil, danced on the Great Wall of China and performed Tai Chi with seniors where no language was required. It’s a far cry from the technology mergers and acquisition projects that were my bread and butter for many years. I’ve never felt more alive as I strive to help people move forward.”
Leeza Donatella Author

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